Exploration of the challenges innovators are facing around Sustainability and Net Zero in procurement tenders
NHS Health Innovation
Check out the Presentation video here: Innovators around net zero.mp4
I am grateful to the various innovators to be interviewed for this research and for pointing me in the direction of invaluable literature:
Amelia James (Environmental Sustainability Lead at Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex Health Innovations, Oxford & Thames Valley)
Dr Miying Yang (Professor in Sustainability- Cranfield University)
Dr Mark Poole (CEO of Ozo Innovations)
Steve Parr (Independent healthcare and MedTech consultant; Director, SR Partners Ltd)
Vasilii and Rawle (Senior Innovation Manager - Open Medical)
Jinghui Liang (CTO & Co-founder of LabCycle)
David (Business Manager - A referral system for NHS England)
Dan Wright (Head of Sustainability at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
Rufus Henderson (Sustainability Lead - NuGreen)
Hammad Jeilani (Co-Founder - Apian)
Benjamin Roberts (Sustainability Lead - Medilink Midlands)
Rachel Stancliffe (CEO - The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare)
I will forever be grateful to this research project for directing me toward innovation.